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Tailgating Season September 2022 Thumbnail

Tailgating Season September 2022

Tailgating and football seem to go hand in hand together and they are one of the things I look forward to all summer long. On the 17th we were going to the OSU V Arkansas Pine Bluff game, the match up isn't that exciting but its a night game which means we don’t have to get to the tailgate until around 2:00. It also means that we don’t have to be in the stadium when it’s 100 degrees outside, we will be in the shade during kick off and under a canopy drinking cold drinks when it's the middle of the afternoon. 


    The tailgate itself is set up really well, it is a friend of ours that has the spot and all of the important equipment. I really enjoy the generator with a TV attached, so we can still stream games during the game and also have access to a charger if our phones start to run low. Other than that there is a grill, 2 canopies, a couple tables for food and snacks, about 5 ice chests and a dozen chairs. To me this is really all you need, we don’t have space to throw a football around, we could play cornhole but that rarely makes an appearance, just hanging out and watching football is typically the go to.

I was a little worried about the afternoon heat so I did pack a few frozen wash rags and popsicles if we felt like we needed them but we really didn’t use any of it. There was a consistent breeze all day that kept it feeling just cool enough, well cool enough in the shade. As the sun moved the shade moved so at times when your back was suddenly in the sun you really felt it and had to adjust your seat. Outside of that everything was ok. 

    There really wasn't much of a game to watch, Arkansas Pine Bluff is a pretty bad lower level team and OSU dominated from the start. To me bad football is still better than not watching football so i’ll take it, and it was nice to see several of the walk ons and younger players get a shot at playing in a real game. For some of those guys this is something they will remember for the rest of their lives. The game started off pretty hot but once the sun set it cooled off quickly, plus it provided some beautiful picture opportunites. 

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