Our First Christmas As A Family Of Three.
We had our first Christmas as a family of three, and Pierce was loving
every minute of it. He's still too young to know anything about what
Christmas is, what gifts are, or what Santa is, but he does know that
he got two solid days of people constantly wanting to hold him, talk to
him, and play with him, and he was all about that.
I think he kind of knew something was going on leading up to it,
because normally he's good about eating at night and then going right
back to sleep. But on Christmas Eve and the day before, he didn't do
that as much. He would eat and then babble to himself and squirm in
his bassinet for 20-30 minutes before finally going back to sleep. And
then he barely napped on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. He
doesn't sleep much anyway, but this time it was maybe one or two
30-minute power naps, and he was ready to go again. By Christmas
night, he was out. He was completely worn out by 7:00 PM, and he
woke up once in the night, but only ate a little bit because he was
falling back asleep. He was having a blast and was tired from it.
His favorite part of Christmas was the Christmas trees, so he's
probably going to be disappointed once we start packing up the tree
and all the lights. That's okay, there'll always be something else for
him to look forward to.
As for us, it was a pretty normal Christmas. We went to the zoo on
Saturday with Kaley's dad and brother, and then on Sunday we went
back to his house and did Christmas Eve with them. Monday morning,
we went to her mom's house and had Christmas morning with her
mom and brother. After, we did Christmas together, just the three of
us, that afternoon. And then Kaley and I went over to my parents' and
had dinner and did gifts there. So it was a busy weekend with a lot
going on, but it was fun. It's always a good time spending with family.
One last note: we are officially one of those matching pj families. Not my idea. Personally, I don't think the pjs were that comfortable compared to what I normally wear, but if it makes the wife happy, we're glad to do it.
How was your Christmas? Any changes this year compared to years past?