Its NFL Playoff Season. January 2023
During the pandemic we converted a spare bedroom into a movie room, we did it ourselves and spent $4,500 and a year and a half to convert it. It's still not complete but it is definitely to the stage where the room is very usable and I'd rather use it than spend an evening doing some small final touches. So basically the baseboards will probably never go in until we sell the home and a realtor tells me it really needs baseboards.
This time of the year I hole myself up in that room and watch football all weekend (to my wife's disappointment). If you aren’t following the Chiefs are once again a favorite to win the super bowl, which is pretty surprising given that they just traded their best receiver to the Dolphins. The Bills, Eagles and 49ers all look very good too. Around this time of year you also have a lot of conspiracy theories around the NFL and it being rigged. Before the superbowl last year i saw several people comment on how the Bengals being in the superbowl shouldn’t be surprising given that its the chinese year of the tiger. This idea seemed dumb in that 1. The Bengals went on to lose the super bowl. 2. The NFL is focusing on the Europe and Latin American markets, so letting a team win for China would go against what they have been marketing. 3. How does a team whose mascot is the Bengal attract fans from China? Here is the one I saw recently.
If you search Jalen Pitre glove you will see several articles about the incident. Essentially what happened was that he got an interception then after the play celebrated in a way where he acted like the ball was stuck to the glove. The celebration is pretty good, good enough that several people seem to believe him. If you watch the full clip you will see him take off his glove then drop the ball, as the ball is dropping the glove falls off the ball but then someone else puts the glove back on the ball and carries it off the field to keep the celebration going. What many people have done was edit out the part where the glove falls off to make it look more believable and it seems to be working.
Are you watching the playoffs this year and if so who’s your team?